Stock valuation

It's important that you know the value of your stock as you need this for financial reports. The stock valuation report shows the quantity and value of each of your stock items.

Run the stock valuation report

Open: Stock Control > Reports > Status > Valuation, or select the items from the Stock list a choose Reports > Valuation

  • For a current valuation, enter today's date as the Valuation Date.

How stock quantities are calculated

The quantity that your have in stock for any stock items are updated in Sage 200 when:

  • A purchase order for the item is recorded as received in Sage 200.

  • A return for the item has been recorded as despatched in Sage 200.

  • The stock item has been added using the Add Stock option.

  • Stock is issued to (or returned from) an internal area or supplier for repair.

  • Stock is issued to a customer free of charge.

  • A difference has been found as part of a stock take and the stock level has been updated.

How stock values are calculated

The value of your stock is calculated using the cost price of the item, i.e. the buying price. So the value is the quantity multiplied by the cost price. The cost price is calculated differently depending on the Costing Method used for each stock item.

FIFO costing method

For the FIFO (First in First Out) costing method, the stock is valued using the oldest cost price for the item until all the stock bought at that at that price is used, then the next cost price is used. This is calculated per warehouse or per bin.

The price is updated when a purchase order for item is recorded as received, or items are added using the Add stock screen.

Average costing method

For the Average costing method, the stock is valued using the average price paid for the item currently in stock. This is calculated from the total price paid for the items in stock divided by the number of goods in stock.

The value is calculated as: ((Current Total Qty in Stock * Current Average Buying Price) + (Quantity Brought In * Price Brought In))/ (Current Total Qty in Stock + Quantity Brought In).

The price is updated when a purchase order for item is recorded as received or items are added using the Add stock screen. It is not updated when goods are sold.

Standard costing method

For the Standard costing method, the cost price stated on the stock record is used. The price is only updated when the cost price is changed on the stock item.

Run a retrospective stock valuation report

You can calculate the cost value of your products at a particular date in the past.

Open: Stock Control > Reports > Status > Valuation, or select the items from the Stock list a choose Reports > Valuation

  • For a retrospective report, enter the retrospective date as the Valuation Date.

In the following examples, the following stock item and stock transactions are used to explain how the stock is valued retrospectively.

  • You have a stock level of 10 items on 30/07 and the value is £100.

  • You run a retrospective stock valuation report for the 10/07.

  • The following stock transactions are dated between the 10/07 and 30/07.

    Date Transaction Type Quantity Cost price Value
    15/07 POP order received 2 8 16
    13/07 SOP order despatched 5 12 60

How the retrospective quantity is calculated

The retrospective quantity is calculated by reversing the transactions entered for the stock item from the current date back to the specified valuation date.

How the retrospective value is calculated

The retrospective stock value is calculated differently depending on the Costing Method used for each stock item.

FIFO costing method

For the FIFO costing method, this is calculated by taking the starting value of the stock and reversing the transactions entered for the stock item since valuation date.

Average costing method

For the Average costing method, this is calculated as: (Retrospective Quantity) x (Average buying price of the item on the Valuation date specified for the report).

Each time a purchase invoice or an addition of stock is recorded for an item, the average buying price is updated and recorded by Sage 200 using the current system date on your PC.

The Average buying price is displayed on the report as the Valuation price.

Standard costing method

For the Standard costing method, this is calculated as: (Quantity) x (Standard cost price of the item on the Valuation date specified for the report).

The standard cost price is displayed on the report as the Valuation price.

Each time the standard cost price of the item is changed on the stock record, the new price and the date of the change are recorded by Sage 200 using the current date on your PC.

Common questions

Why are some items not shown on the report?

This can be due to the following:

  • The stock item has stock level of zero for the date specified on the report. Stock items with a level of zero are excluded from the report.

  • The stock item has no cost or transaction history for the valuation date specified for the report.

    If this is the case the following message is printed at the end of the report: Stock items will be excluded from this report if no cost or transaction history is available for the selected date. This occurs if you have backdated your transactions.

If I run a current valuation report and then run it retrospectively for the same date a few days later, why are the values different?

This can be due to the following:

  • If you have revalued your stock, for stock items using the FIFO costing method.

  • If the standard cost price on a stock item is changed more than once in the same day, and the current valuation report was produced before the final price change.

Can I modify the report to use different criteria?

We recommend that you do not modify the Stock Valuation report, to include in and between on the Warehouse criteria. Doing so may produce incorrect figures, so you should only use is with the Warehouse criteria.

We also advise not to create a new report that includes these criteria.